Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor Day #1

Labor Day Blog
Well there have been a few glitches getting the “story to print”, as they say.   There were some wrong  buttons pushed. ( by “whom” is still under discussion!) Meanwhile my “more concise and non-emoji”  assistant, Paul , filled in for his Editor ( and “ much more windy and descriptive 💃), Jen, who had suffered major mental trauma from the whole debacle!  Now... on with the “news”😉. ( some of it back-tracking a tad!)

Day 5 Friday, August 30, leaving our secluded little National Park Island , we headed toward New Orleans... hoping to hug the Coast on the 2-lane , non interstate, hwy 90.  But commercialism had capitalized on this Mississippi Gulf area, with only a glimpse of what I remember!   And so after a multitude of stop lights and very heavy traffic ... we bit the bullet and headed for the I-10  interstate!  It was exciting finally entering Louisiana ... the swamps, heat, humidity, mosquitoes, home state for NINE years.  First stop after hitting Slidell, La.,.... the MARDI GRAS SUPPLY HOUSE!
Have stopped there many times over the years...they sell to all the Crews for the hundreds of parades.  Fun place!🥳
Friday evening we met my “N.O. Besties” and husbands at Jaegers for a rip roaring time and delicious seafood dinner. (and best onion rings I have ever eaten in my life!). See picture!  So much fun to catch up again!  (Paul has met them all on many occasions ☺️)

Day 6, Sat. , Aug.31, Was a fun Day in the French Quarter, which I do believe was thoroughly covered by my assistant , Paul.  And yes, little Goldie now has not only  Mardi Gras beads, but various souvenirs stashed everywhere!  And I have an adorable pair of colorful blue humming bird earrings 🥰!  ( zoom in on my pix at Maspero’s /after Paul’s beer pix!)

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