Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Glacier! Oh My!

Glacier National Park is simply stunning.  There’s little else to say.

The mountains are enormous and majestic, the streams are clear and rushing, the trees are tall and extravagant.

It is a spiritual experience, and as with all spiritual experiences- you just need to be there and soak it in.   You travel on the 48 mile cross-Park road called “Going to the Sun Road.” At every turn you are beckoned to get out of the car and hike awhile - I believe  that is where the true adventure lies.  We did some hiking, but not nearly enough.  This is a Bucket List location.

1 comment:

  1. You bet!!! I second everything you wrote about Glacier. Soon glad you were able to experience it together! It is truly spectacular. Again, thanks for these wonderful pics.
