Thought we would see if any loyal followers are still out there, as it has been 8 days since last blog! ( we gave us AND YOU... a break!😉)
We’ve been heading north on US Rt 89, National Geographic’s “Most Scenic US Highway,” and indeed it is!
Sept.9th, continued traveling through Utah, beautiful peach orchards, many, many Mormon churches, and well kept towns. ( but only after miles of desolate land that we gave the Native Americans to live on. Sad to see. )
Then, crossing into Idaho, briefly, we saw signs that stated: “WARNING! Open Range Stock”??
There were no fences along the 2-lane highways, and we saw no cows, no horses... but all of a sudden we saw hundreds of sheep, grazing on a hill Quite close to the road! They looked very nonchalant about us as we sped by! Now we got it!
Stopped for night at Wapiti RV Park, in Alpine , WY. ( 3 states in one day!). It backed up to a National Forrest and mountains, which inspired by a beautiful sunset , led us to singing harmony with Paul’s guitar.
As the sun set, and our fire burned low, we came to the realization that we certainly weren’t ready for prime time! But we had fun anyway.
The next morning we ate breakfast at the Patriotic Cafe...everything was red white and blue...ceiling to floor...and the waitresses wore t-shirts that said, “concealed weapons welcome here,” 😉
Awww. Just read this now, after you are home! Loved it!