Monday, September 9, 2019

Sunday Worship in God’s Sanctuary

Sunday worship in God”s Sanctuary

After Saturday Night’s “cook your own steak” dinner at the Outlaw Saloon in Hatch, Utah, ( only place in town to get a beer!)  Check out the handsome hombre below...

We went to sleep exhausted, with full tummies, millions of beautiful stars twinkling through Goldie’ sky lights and cool breezes blowing in our windows.

Sunday Morning we woke up FREEZING! (low 40’s !). After a warm shower and breakfast at a local establishment (whose owner obviously shared my love of chickens)... 

we “went to church “ traveling North on the scenic hwy. 89.
We had never worshipped in a “church” so large, architecturally majestic, and awe-inspiring!
Of course not... only God could create such a Sanctuary!
Beautiful hymns (from Paul’s iPad) filled little Goldie, and a lovely shared peace filled our hearts as we wound and climbed our way past gently flowing waters of cool mountain streams, and breathtaking plains and mountains...a “feast” spread out before us. 

It reminded me the last verse a favorite hymn....” ‘Tis good Lord to be here. Yet we may not remain; But since Thou bidst us leave the mount, come with us to the plain.”

We’d highly recommend this Sacred Sanctuary of granite, sage brush, cedar trees, wind and water,mountains of colorful shades of ancient rock, and ...quietness.

The “church service” seems to go and on. But we are not looking at our watches or worried about what we have to do today... or tomorrow.
We don’t get to worship in such intimate surroundings like this very often.
What a Mountain Top Experience🙏. (it is hwy. 89 through AZ and UT.)
We hope to see you back on the “ Plain” in about 2 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. I just now saw this. (Tues. afternoon, Sept. 10) Quite poetic in pictures and written description. I'd say that was one WONDERFUL worship experience! So happy for you two!
